Ben Bartosik


Calvin's mom: Life could be worse, Calvin.

Calvin: Life could be a lot better too!

I'm an advocate for making things better — for ourselves, for others, for future generations, or even just because it's the right thing to do. This is a space for me to share some of the ideas and inspiration I'm thinking through towards that goal.


2023 - Now | Brand & marketing at Evergreen Canada;

2019 - 2023 | Managing a team of creatives at a brand studio.

2016 - 2019 | Comms Director for a Toronto charity.

2005 - 2016 | Youth programming, community building, volunteer management.

+ BA in history and a MA in contextual theology and urban church leadership.

Statement of Faith

I grew up evangelical but I no longer identify with that term.

Dorothy Day once described her life as one having been "haunted by God" and I think that's a pretty good summary of my own faith.

My Patron Saints

Quietly inspired by the lives of Dorothy Day, Bernadette Devlin, and Sinead O'Connor.

Some Things I Enjoy

Irish folk music, oral histories of pop culture, vegetarian tacos, Godzilla, woodworking, social history, folk horror films, board games, and Prince.