Calvin's mom: Life could be worse, Calvin.
Calvin: Life could be a lot better too!
Based in Simcoe Region in Ontario, I'm an advocate for equitable, healthy, and sustainable communities — of all shapes and sizes.
2023 - Now | Brand and storytelling for a national non-profit advocating for more and better climate-ready public spaces.
2019 - 2023 | Managing the team at a creative studio focused on building better brands.
2016 - 2019 | Communications Director for a Toronto charity that worked with vulnerable youth.
2005 - 2016 | Youth programming and community building at a local church.
+ BA in history and a MA in contextual theology and urban church leadership.
Statement of Faith
I grew up evangelical but I no longer identify with that term.
Dorothy Day once described her life as one having been "haunted by God" and I think that's a pretty good summary of my own faith. Also, I'm less concerned with what someone believes than with what their life is oriented around and towards.
My Patron Saints
Quietly inspired by the lives of Dorothy Day, Bernadette Devlin, and Sinead O'Connor.
Some Things I Enjoy
Irish folk music, oral histories of pop culture, vegetarian tacos, Godzilla, woodworking, social history, folk horror films, board games, and Prince.